Terms of service

To guarantee your order's availability, payments must be paid within 24 hours. Once your payment is received, your order will be processed and shipped within 1-3 business days. You will receive an email with your order's Tracking Number. Please ensure that your shipping address is correct as your order’s shipping label will automatically print the address you provide. All sales are final (No Refunds). Once your order has been placed it cannot be cancelled. Store Credit or Exchanges only within 5 days of receiving item(s) Please allow 1-3 business days to receive credit for item(s). We are not responsible if an incorrect shipping address is provided. Once a tracking number is issued, we are unable to do cancellations. In the event you need to cancel your order, please contact us immediately through email at BeautifulktcBoutique.com, phone at 1 (773) 431-3611 or a private message on our Facebook Page

We reserve the right to refuse sale or service to anyone for any reason or time.

Thank You!

Beautifulktc Boutique